25′ Full Body Tabata Workout

A complete workout to be done with a pair of dumbbells or using body weight. Suitable for all fitness levels, you can incorporate this workout into your wellness routine.

Workout Preset

Scan the QR code for your session using your Timer Athletid app and give it your all to push beyond your comfort zone! 

To be scanned exclusively using the dedicated feature within the application.


Each Tabata consists of 10 rounds of two exercises. Alternate each exercise, with each round consisting of 20 seconds of effort followed by 10 seconds of recovery. Allow 2 minutes of recovery between each Tabata.

Tabata 1

  • Push-Ups
  • Split Squat

Tabata 2

  • Deadlift to Row
  • Jump Squat

Tabata 3

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Jumping Jacks

Tabata 4

  • Burpees
  • Gobelet Squats

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