HIIT Workout At Home Without Equipment 

Push yourself with this equipment-free home workout. 24 intense minutes to strengthen your body and surpass your limits.

CAUTION! You are about to engage in an intense workout. The main goal is to push your limits, expend maximum effort, strengthen your body, and lose fat.

Three levels are provided: beginner, intermediate, expert. Choose the repetition level that pushes you to your limits. Be honest with yourself and give your best.

Workout Preset

Scan the QR code for your session using your Timer Athletid app and give it your all to push beyond your comfort zone! 

To be scanned exclusively using the dedicated feature within the application.


1. AMRAP – 8′

Perform the sequence as many times as possible within the allotted time.


  • Burpees: 2 repetitions
  • Jump Squats: 4 repetitions
  • Alternating Lunges: 6 repetitions


  • Burpees: 4 repetitions
  • Jump Squats: 8 repetitions
  • Jumping Lunges: 10 repetitions


  • Burpees: 6 repetitions
  • Jump Squats: 10 repetitions
  • Jumping Lunges: 14 repetitions

2. EMOM – 8′

Perform the specified exercises at the beginning of each minute, and use the remainder of the minute as rest. Repeat the cycle for each subsequent minute. Adjust the intensity based on your fitness level, and aim to maintain the pace throughout the session.


  • Knee Push Ups: 3 repetitions
  • Mountain Climbers: 6 repetitions
  • Jumping Jacks: 8 repetitions


  • Push Ups: 5 repetitions
  • Mountain Climbers: 10 repetitions
  • Jumping Jacks: 12 repetitions


  • Push Ups: 8 repetitions
  • Mountain Climbers: 14 repetitions
  • Jumping Jacks: 16 repetitions

3. TABATA – 8′

20s Work – 10s Rest – 16 Rounds


  1. Crunch
  2. Plank
  3. Leg Raises


  1. Sit-Ups
  2. Russian Twist
  3. Plank with Knee to Elbow


  1. V-Ups
  2. Bicycle Crunches
  3. Hollow Rock

Good luck, and remember: the key is to push yourself close to your limits to surpass them, so give it your all!

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